Thursday, March 3, 2016

Looduskivitrepp / Natural Stone Steps

EST: Viimasel ajal olen hakanud tegelema looduskivide ladumisega. Eelmine nädal sain valmis trepiastmetega. Minu jaoks on tegemist suhteliselt uue tööga, seega mul oli teatud ärevustunne sees, et kuidas ma hakkama saan. Aga see oli pigem meeldivat sorti ärevus. Head väljakutsed on ikka toredad. 

Kui teatud juhtnööridest kinni pidada, siis saab ikka hakkama. Esimene etapp on pinnase ettevalmistamine, mis sisaldab ka umbrohu ja kivide eemaldamist. Alustada tuleb alt ülespoole, sest kui esimene aste on paigas, on ülemiste astmete serv raskuseks alumisele astmele. See kindlasti abiks, sest trepikivid peavad kõvasti paigal olema. Ühe astme kõrgus ei tohiks olla rohkem, kui 20cm ja laius peaks olema vähemalt oma jala suurune. Kõige keerulisem ongi sobivaid kive leida ja siis neid sobitada. Aga kuna looduslikel kividel puuduvad igasugused tavaehitusele omased sirged servad, siis on kogu tööl mõneti improvisatsiooniline tunnetus.

A work in progress
ENG: I've been getting into building with dry stones. Last week I completed the first set of stone steps. For me it's been a relatively new work, so I did have a slight apprehension as to how I would succeed. But it was a nice apprehension, nice challenges are really good.

If one sticks to certain guidelines, one will still manage. The first stage was the preparation of the ground, which requires the removal of topsoil, weeds and any rocks to be found in the soil. One should start working from bottom up, because once you've laid the first step, it would be good to have the next stones in a step touching the top edge of the lower step. The resulting weight certainly would help, because the stones would have to be as firm as possible. One step should not be higher than 20cm. And it would have to be as wide as the size of one's foot. The most difficult part is indeed finding suitable stones. And then mixing and matching. But because natural stones have their own peculiar shapes far removed from the kind of straight lines prevalent in conventional construction, the whole work gains a bit of an improvisational feel to it, which is lovely.

Completed result

Another look via Instagram