Love & Respect to the Family of RJD. To all of the fans and readers, please understand that the Westboro "Church" has NOTHING to do with Christianity, "organized religion", or the love and salvation of Jesus. The Westboro Church is largely made up of an antagonistic & litigious family [Note: it is yet undetermined if they are inbred], who exhibit their protests under the guise and legal protections of a Religion. Though they are arguably evil, do not be fooled into thinking these people are not intelligent and calculating. Many of the members are LAYWERS. They do not speak their vile, hateful and hurtful words for religious, biblical or spiritual reasons; they do it to **** off people enough that they will either attack the Westboro members or attempt an ill-prepared lawsuit. When either of these things happen, the Westboro members are ready and waiting with bullet-proof Counter-Suits. THEY DO NOT CARE ABOUT JESUS OR YOUR SOUL. THEY ONLY WANT TO GET YOU MONEY IN A LAWSUIT WHEN YOU TRY TO FIGHT THEM. Be careful, know more about Jesus to argue against these hypocrites, know the law, and look out for your brothers and sisters, in love. Take a look at the saving projects that Dio and his wife worked on for our nation's troubled, compared to the garbage that the Westboro people live for. And, take a look at the people that Jesus loved to associate with; they looked like DIO, his Family and his Fans. --- An Old Rocker & Christian
Mnjaa, labased provokaatorid, kes üritavadki inimesi vihale ajada, et siis kohtu kaudu oleks hea raha välja pressida, kui kellelgi kops liiga üle maksa peaks lendama. Ehk siis, WBC on hundid lambanahas mitte isegi sellepärast, nagu nende tegevus oleks rajatud fundamentalistlikule ideoloogiale kasutades fundamentalistlikke taktikaid, vaid sellepärast, et nad on manipulatiivsed petised, kes loodavad, et keegi annab neile molli või üritab kohtusse kaevata, et nad siis ise võidaks kohtulahingud ja saaks pappi. Samas ma ei tea, kuidas see kahtlane "äriidee" on isegi töötanud, et kas keegi üldse on kellelegi pasunasse sõitnud. Küll aga saavad nad kindlasti kostitatud igasuguste trükimusta mittekannatavate sõimusõnadega. Parim viis võidelda on muidugi satiir. Nagu näha allpoolsel pildil. Ja arvestades, et nende tolguste ilmumine teatud matustele on tavaliselt ette teada, on vastastel piisavalt aega oma vaimukuse laskemoona varuda. :)

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